Other Similar Coercions - Compulsory Purchase Of merchandise And Payment Of Wages By Means Of Tokens
On Criminal Law
1. By forcing or compelling, directly or indirectly, or knowingly
permitting the forcing or compelling of the laborer or employee
of the offender to purchase merchandise or commodities of any
kind from him.
2. By paying the wages due his laborer or employee by means of
tokens or objects other than the legal tender currency of the
Philippines, unless expressly requested by such laborer or
1. That the offender is any person , agent or officer of any
association or corporation.
2. That he or such firm or corporation has employed laborers
or employees
3. That he forces or compels, directly or indirectly, or knowingly
permits to be forced or compelled, any of his or its laborers
or employees to purchase merchandise or commodities of any kind
from him or from said firm or corporation.
1. That the offender pays the wages due a laborer or employee
employed by him by means of tokens or objects
2. That those tokens or objects are other than the legal tender
currency of the Philippines.
3. That such employee or laborer does not expressly request that
he be paid by means of tokens or objects
General rule: wages shall be paid in legal tender and the use of
tokens, promissory notes, vouchers, coupons or any other forms
alleged to represent legal tender is absolutely prohibited even
when expressly requested by the employee. (Section 1, Rule VIII,
Book III, Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code)
No employer shall limit or otherwise interfere with the freedom
of any employee to dispose of his wages. He shall not in any
manner force, compel, oblige his employees to purchase
merchandise, commodities or other property from the employer or
from any other person. (Art. 112, Labor Code.)