UCPB Time Deposit
On Banking
UCPB Time Deposit
Peso Time Deposit Rate
30 to 90 days Interest
4 Million and Above .8750%
2 Million to 3,999,999 .7500%
500,000 to 1,999,999 .6250%
10,000 to 499,999 .5000%
Note: Pre-Termination Penalty for Peso Time Deposit
1. 75% of agreed interest rate if money is withdrawn within the
first half of the agreed term.
2. 50% of agreed interest rate if money is withdrawn within the
second half of the agreed term.
US Dollar Time Deposit
30 Days Interest
500,000 and Above .8750%
250,000 to 499,999 .7500%
100,000 to 249,999 .6250%
50,000 to 99,999 .5000%
25,000 to 49,999 .3750%
1,000 to 24,999 .2500%
US Dollar Time Deposit
60 Days Interest
500,000 and Above .9375%
250,000 to 499,999 .8125%
100,000 to 249,999 .6875%
50,000 to 99,999 .5625%
25,000 to 49,999 .4375%
1,000 to 24,999 .3125%
US Dollar Time Deposit
90 to 120 Days Interest
500,000 and Above 1.0000%
250,000 to 499,999 .8750%
100,000 to 249,999 .75000%
50,000 to 99,999 .6250%
25,000 to 49,999 .5000%
1,000 to 24,999 .3750%
Note: Pre-Termination Penalty for US Dollar Time Deposit
1. 75% of agreed interest rate if money is withdrawn within the
first half of the agreed term.
2. 50% of agreed interest rate if money is withdrawn within the
second half of the agreed term.
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