Holy Angel University School of Criminology
Holy Angel University |
Holy Angel University
Holy Angel School Of criminology is a Criminology School
located in Angeles City, Pampanga.
For those who want to inquire about there Criminology
program may personally inquire in the following
telephone numbers:
(045) - 887-5478
If you personally want to inquire about their criminology
program, Holy Angel University's exact address is in Holy
Angel Avenue, Sto.Rosario, Angeles City, Pampanga. You wont
miss it.
Holy Angel University's performance in the last 2 Board examination
for Criminologist is posted here below:
Note: Holy Angel University did not field any candidate for the April
2014 Board Examination for Criminologist.
October 2013 Licensure Examination for Criminologist
Overall Passing Percentage - 100%
Total Number of Examinees - 27
Number of Examinees who passed - 27
Number of Examinees Who failed - 0
Note: Holy Angel University offers a 4 year Bachelor of Science in
Criminology with Forensics and falls under the College of
Criminal Justice Education and Forensics.