Dental Hygienist Board Exam Result
The Dental Hygienist Board Exam Result was released By the PRC. The Licensure Exam Took place in Manila for 2 days. Saturday and Sunday of June 7 and 8 respectively.
The written exam was conducted on June 7 and the practical exam was conducted on June 8 of 2014.
29 (Twenty Nine) examinees passed the exam. They are the following:
Dental Hygienist Successful Examinees |
The Performance of Schools In Alphabetical Order Are The following:
Performance of Schools |
The Following Examinees Garnered the Highest Score in the June 2014 Licensure Examination for Dental Hygienists.
Dental Hygienist Board Exam Topnotchers |
The PRC (Professional Regulation Commission) said that the Registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration will be on June 16, 2014.