health support insurance plan

Health Insurance For Senior Citizens Philippines

Health insurance for senior citizens in the Philippines may be availed
in 2 ways.
1. By becoming a member of Philhealth or the Philippine Health
   Insurance Corporation. It is a government owned and controlled
2. By buying a health insurance policy from private health insurance

There are 30 licensed private life insurance companies in the
Philippines offering various health insurance products.

My mother is 60 years old and a senior citizen and I searched the
Internet for health insurance products that are cheap and easy to
buy without need of medical examination.

But before looking for an insurance product to buy from private
insurance companies in the Philippines, please be aware that there
is a Philippine Law that provides for the mandatory PhilHealth
coverage for all senior citizens. Premium payments are subsidized by
the Philippine government.

This means that senior citizens will receive the benefits and discounts
extended to ordinary PhilHealth members by just presenting a valid ID
that proves their real age.

For convenience, senior citizens may go to the nearest DSWD office and
apply for a senior citizen ID card. It is free.

But sometimes, Philhealth benefits will not fully cover all the bills
of a costly hospitalization, so I looked at all the available products
sold by the 30 licensed life insurance companies in the Philippines and
I found a product that is light on the budget and offers substantial
benefits in return, best suited for senior citizens.

This health insurance  product is called "Health Support Hospital
Income Plan" sold by Philippine Prudential Life Insurance.

If you are a senior citizen aged between 50 and 74, then you are
qualified to buy this health insurance product.

Acceptance for this Health Support Hospital Income Plan without
medical examination nor complicated health questions to answer is

Take this for an example, you are a senior citizen aged 64. You bought
a health insurance product mentioned above. For a monthly premium of
P287.95, you will be entitled to the following benefits.
      1. Daily hospital income benefit of P500 if you get hospitalized.'
         Maximum limit is P91,250
      2. Daily critical care benefit of P500
         Maximum limit is P91,250
      3. Surgical benefit
         Maximum limit is P10,000

The example cited above is the lowest benefit plan. You may opt for a
higher plan if you want to avail of a higher benefit amount.

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1. Insurance Companies in the Philippines
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