dotr guidelines on social distancing
DOTr Guidelines On Social Distancing | Image Source: DOTr Official Facebook Page

DOTr Guidelines on Social Distancing and Community Quarantine

Land Transport

Passenger Limit for public land Transport

1. Taxis/Transportation Network Vehicle Services (TNVS), including airport taxi: No more than four (4) passengers, one seat apart;

2. UV Express: No more than six (6) passengers including the driver, one seat apart;

3. Old Jeepneys: No more than half the normal capacity including the driver, one seat apart;

4. Modern PUVs: No more than half the regular seating capacity, one seat apart, and no passenger standing;

5. Public Bus: No more than twenty-five (25) passengers, including the driver and the conductor, one seat apart, and no passenger standing.

Source: Department of Transportation (DOTr official Facebook Page)

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