Philippine Native Plants List
On Lifestyle

Philippine Native Plants List
Some of the Philippines’ native plants! Are you familiar with them?
Antipolo Tree (Artocarpus blancoi)
Family: Moraceae Endemic
Type of plant: Tree
Other names: Tipolo, Pakak
Family: Lamiaceae Indigenous
Type of plant: Shrub or small tree
Other names: Fireworks Tree, Starburst, and Bunga de Febrero
Family: Lauraceae
Species Distribution: Native (17 of which are Endemic)
Dao (Dracontomelon dao)
Family: Anacardiaceae Indigenous
Type of plant: Large tree
Other names: Pacific walnut
Eucalyptus Tree (Eucalyptus deglupta)
Family: Myrtaceae
Species Distribution: Indigenous to the Philippines specifically in Mindanao
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