K-12 SHS Program (STEM)

K-12 SHS Program (STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics intertwine disciplines when applied in the real world. The difference between the STEM curriculum with other strands and tracks is the focus on advanced concepts and topics. Under the track, you can become a pilot, engineer, dentist, chemist, biologist, nurse, doctor, and more.
List of College Courses You Can Pursue
BS in Biology
BS in Geology
BS in Physics
BS in Chemistry
BS in Food Technology
BS in Medical Technology
BS in Nursing
BS in Pharmacy
BS in Physical Therapy
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Technology
BS in Information Systems
BS in Aeronautical Engineering
BS in Chemical Engineering
BS in Civil Engineering
BS in Computer Engineering
BS in Electrical Engineering
BS in Electronics Engineering
BS in Marine Engineering
BS in Mechanical Engineering
BS in Petroleum Engineering
BS in Mathematics
BS in Applied Science
BS in Statistics
Why Choose STEM?
Science is everywhere in the world, technology is continuously expanding, and engineering is the basic design of roads and bridges. It also tackles the challenges of changing global weather and environmentally friendly changes in our homes. Mathematics is in every occupation and every activity we do in our lives. To succeed in this new information-based and highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to levels much beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.
Specialized Subjects
Earth Science
This learning area provides a general background for understanding the Earth on a planetary scale. It presents the history of the Earth through geological time and discusses its structure and composition.
This course completes the foundation knowledge of Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry. It provides a conceptual understanding and computational skills crucial for basic calculus.
Basic Calculus
Basics about limits, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions in one variable.
General Biology
Study of Biology, particularly life processes at the cellular and molecular levels. It also covers the transformation of energy in organisms. Heredity and variations and the diversity of living organisms.
General Physics
Mechanics of particles, rigid bodies, fluids, waves, and heat. Thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, basics of special relativity, atomic and nuclear phenomena.
General Chemistry
Composition, structure, and properties of matter, quantitative principles, kinetics, and energetics of transformations of matter, and fundamental concepts of organic chemistry.
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