Founders of Funeraria Filipinas

The De la Cruz Family celebrates the 97th Wedding Anniversary of José and Amparo de la Cruz, Founders of Funeraria Filipinas.
Amang Jose and Inang/Anda Paring, as they are respectfully called, are the founders of Funeraria Filipinas, a funeral home that has been in the service for over eight decades.
A simple carpenter and a housekeeper, they started renting a modest funeral home in Paco, Manila. It became the backbone of five funeral parlors that are now being handled by their descendants from all around Luzon.
Amang was a smart and generous man when it came to finances, while Inang was a kind and sweet lady who loved all sorts of animals. Their union produced 9 children, 49 grandchildren, and countless descendants.
Text by Ryan Fuster Murillo, 2021.
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