west visayas faunal region
West Visayas Faunal Region | @nationalmuseum.wv via poster by Merlyn F. Geromiano | NMWV

The West Visayas Faunal Region (WVFR)

SAVE THEM. The National Museum of the Philippines joins the world in raising awareness to save plants and animals from facing extinction, especially on this World Wildlife Conservation Day! It is high time to be aware, reflect, and take responsibility for our actions that led to the decline of our wildlife population.

The West Visayas Faunal Region (WVFR), to which Panay, Guimaras, and Negros belong, is home to diverse plants and animals. It is likewise considered one of the country’s biodiversity conservation areas.

Despite its species richness, plants and animals are becoming threatened in WVFR. The wildlife have been rampantly poached from their natural habitats in the forests. When many turned to planting and collecting plants to cope with the pandemic stress, poachers took advantage by scanning forest floors and collecting even those that are threatened. Some commonly poached flowers are orchids, alocasias, ferns, among others.

Animals are likewise poached. In Negros Occidental, wildlife traffickers were apprehended last year for collecting animals like duping (Tropidolaemus subannulatus) and Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus philippinensis).

Several species endemic to the region are now threatened such as the Irrawady dolphin, Visayan Hornbill, Rufous Headed Hornbill, Panay Monitor Lizard, Visayan Warty Pig, Rafflesia speciosa, Rafflesia lobata, Nepenthes abalata, Begonia sykakiengi, among many others.

Today, everyone is enjoined to reflect on one’s actions and help save threatened species from facing endangerment and extinction. Thank you to the forest rangers, wildlife biologists and researchers, and everyone involved in protecting the wildlife.

Source: Text and poster by Merlyn F. Geromiano | NMWV

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