The kulintang may refer to: the series of graduated knobbed gongs laid in a row; the individual knobbed gong in the series; and the ensemble that is composed of other instruments such as agong (pair of heavy hanging gongs), dabakan (goblet-shaped drum), gandingan (four suspended gongs) and babandir (small metallic gong).
A kulintang may be composed of eight gongs disposed in a row over a wooden frame. The gongs are suspended on parallel strings and are arranged in sizes. Each kulintang has a knob or protuberance which is struck and played with a pair of sticks.
The Agong is a set of two large heavy gongs with a high protrusion or knob and a wide rim. These gongs may be made of bronze, brass, or iron. It is also played by striking or hitting using a mallet. Of the two, the larger may produce the lower pitch, and the smaller the higher pitch.
Source (Text): Jiménez, Isaac Donoso. “Historiography of the moro Kulintang.” Revista Transcultural de Música 12 (2008). https://www.sibetrans.com/trans/articulo/102/historiography-of-the-moro-kulintang
Source (Image): Isaac Donoso Jimenez, La Ilustración del Oriente, Manila, 1877, in Historiography of the moro kulintang (Trans 12, Arbitrated magazine of the SIBE-Society of Ethnomusicology Peer-Reviewed journal of the SIBE-Society for Ethnomusicology), number 10, p. 6.
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