Ang Paglangkub sa Yawa
Ang Paglangkub sa Yawa | @bababisaya

“Ang Paglangkub sa Yawa”
April 1, 2023
Cebu City

‘Yawa’ is a term commonly known nowadays as ‘devil’ in Cebuano/Bisaya, often heard in the curse ‘pisting yawa’ (pesky demon, or a colloquial ‘f**k’).

Although researchers debate the true origins, undoubtedly it’s become a term that conceptualizes the ‘devil.’

With the introduction of Spanish colonization & Christian religion, it became more common to demonize pre-Hispanic forms of native spirituality and ritual.

The play reimagines witch hunts in the colonial era, explores how misunderstandings and misinformation impact society, and ultimately invites us, spectators, as active witnesses to the consequences of fake news.

In a time of historical revisionism, it’s so important to look back at our histories and reimagine new futures with critical thinking, built on mutual trust, compassion, curiosity, and wonder.

Big congrats to the entire production, especially our colleagues at @bababisaya play writer Minxie Villaver @minxieminxiespider & costume researcher Sharrie Villaver @hoysharreh