It was Pack Your Lunch Day a few days ago! Did you know that the Kapampángan word for “provisions” differs from the word for “iron” only by stress? How do you say “packed lunch” or “provisions” in your language?
BAKAL • (buh-KUHL)
provisions, packed stuff (food, money, things, etc.) for school, work, or a trip
Tagálog (Filipino): báon
BAKAL = provisions, packed stuff (food, money, things, etc.) for school, work, or a trip
Tagálog (Filipino): báon
BÁKAL = iron
Tagálog (Filipino): bákal
Example Sentence
Bakalan mé ini king obra. [Kap]
Baúnin mo itó sa trabáho. [Tag]
Take this (as provisions) to work. [Eng]
Verb Conjugation
magbakal, mágbakal, mégbakal – to take provisions, packed stuff (food, money, things, etc.) for school, work, or a trip (Actor Focus)
bakalan, babakalan, békalan – to take something as provisions, packed stuff (food, money, things, etc.) for school, work, or a trip (Object Focus)
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