Haja Amina Appi
Haja Amina Appi | @nccaofficial

Haja Amina Appi ± (June 25, 1925 – April 2, 2013)
Mat Weaver: Tepo
Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi

Haja Amina Appi was a “Tepo” (Sama Mat) weaver from Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi. She was distinguished for her precise sense of design, symmetry, and color harmony. From gathering and stripping the pandan (screwpine) to weaving for her complicated designs, she constantly displayed mastery and innate creativity. Her art continues to flourish in her children, grandchildren, and community members who had taken up weaving under her patient and gentle tutelage.

Read more: https://ncca.gov.ph/about-culture-and-arts/culture-profile/gamaba/national-living-treasures-haja-amina-appi/

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