This a little reminder to keep doing what makes you happy!
SAYÂ • (suh-YA’)
merriment, happiness
Tagálog (Filipino): sayá
Pronunciation Differences
Tagálog: sayá
Kapampángan: sayâ
Both words mean happiness, but the Kapampángan word differs by a glottal stop at the end.
SÁYA (SAH-yuh) – skirt (from Spanish saya)
SAYÂ (suh-YA’) – merriment
These words roughly mean “happiness” in Kapampángan.
Suélu/Kusuélu encompasses the senses of satisfaction, pleasure, or contentment. It is more commonly used with its derived word masuélu which means “happy, satisfied, pleased”.
Túlâ encompasses the senses of joy, fun, & laughter. One of its commonly used derived words is mákatúlâ, the Kapampángan word for “funny”.
Sayâ encompasses the senses of merriment, cheerfulness, or glee. It is more commonly used with its derived word masayâ which means “happy, merry, jolly, cheerful“.
Derived word:
MASAYÂ • (muh-suh-YA’)
merry, happy
Tagálog (Filipino): masayâ
Verb conjugation
sáyâ, sásayâ, sínayâ – to become happy (actor focus)
magsayâ, mágsayâ, migsayâ – to have fun; celebrate (actor focus)
magpasayâ, mágpasayâ, migpasayâ – to make one happy (actor focus)
pasayan, papasayan, pésayâ – to make one happy (object focus)
Example Sentence:
Gáwan mu ing mágpasayá kéka. [Kap]
Gawín mo ang nagpápasaya sa iyó. [Tag]
Do what makes you happy. [Eng]
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