Batalya | @kapampangan.words


The May fiestas & Santacrúzan in Southern Kapampángan towns are associated with wild festive rituals to saints that originate from battle hymns between the native Kapampángan Muslims and Christians at the start of colonial rule!

BATÁLYA / BATÁLLA • (buh-TAH-lyuh)
a Kapampángan ethno-Catholic ritual originating from war hymns between the remaining native Kapampángan Muslims and the newly colonized Kapampángan Christians & conquistadores during the start of the Spanish colonial period which evolved into a modern festive ritual to saints associated with the May fiestas of Southern Kapampángan towns like Macabebe and Masantol.

From Spanish batalla “battle”

Tantingco, R. (2014). Batalla: A Little Known Kapampangan Cultural Treasure.

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