PARAYA/PADUGÔ (traditional Filipino sacrifice ritual)
Blood spilling (paráyâ in Kapampángan or padugô in Tagálog) is a traditional Filipino sacrificial ritual. A well-known example of this is when the blood of animals is mixed with the foundation of structures (such as houses or buildings) under construction as it is believed to drive away bad spirits and make the structure stronger. There are often rumors of children going missing when there is a significant construction in an area as human blood is believed to be better.
Kapampángans are famous for this with their extreme practices during Holy Week when magdarame (flagellant penitents) flagellate their bloody backs as a form of penance or religious vow (panátâ). It is said that this is rooted in the pre-colonial practice of blood offering to the Earth Mother (Indung Tibuan) during the hot dry season as a prayer for the coming rainy season.