Makuyad | @kapampangan.words


Last night was the shortest night of the year as it was the summer solstice! How do you say “short” in your language?

MAKÚYAD • (muh-KOO-yuhd)
short (in length, not height)
Tagálog (Filipino): maiklî, maiksî/maigsî

Root Word
KÚYAD • (KOO-yuhd)
shortness (in length, not height)
Tagálog (Filipino): iklî, iksî/igsî

Verb Conjugation
kumúyad, kúkúyad, kínúyad – to get shorter in length (Actor Focus)
ikúyad, kukúyad, kinúyad – to shorten something (Object Focus)
magpakúyad, mágpakúyad, migpakúyad – to ask someone to shorten something (Actor Focus)
ipakúyad, pápakúyad, pékúyad – to ask someone to shorten something (Object Focus)

Example Sentence
Migpakúyad yang buak. [Kap]
Nagpaiklî siya ng buhók. [Tag]
S/he had her/his hair shortened. [Eng]

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