
Masanting in Kapampángan
Image: Pampanga Eye, the tallest Ferris wheel in the Philippines (@pogingcjmagat).
MASANTING • (muh-suhn-TING)
(1) nice, good (in appearance, quality, value)
(2) handsome, good-looking, beautiful (for men and things)
Intensive Form: kasanting (“so good/nice/handsome”)
Tagálog (Filipino): magandá (“beautiful” in general and for women), guwápo (“handsome” for men)
Derived Word
KASANTINGAN • (kuh-suhn-ti-NGUHN)
the good/nice thing about something
Tagálog (Filipino): kagandáhan
Root Word
(1) goodness, niceness in appearance, quality, value
(2) handsomeness, good looks, beauty (of men and things)
Tagálog (Filipino): gandá
Verb Conjugation
sumanting, sásanting, sínanting – to become nice/beautiful, handsome (Actor Focus)
pasantingan, pásantingan, pésantingan – to make something nicer/more beautiful, someone more handsome (Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Masanting ya ing lugal mi. [Kap]
Magandá ang lugár námin. [Tag]
Our place is nice/beautiful. [Eng]
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