It was Culinarians Day a few months ago and National Cooking Day today, so let’s look at the Kapampángan word for the part of the house that Kapampángans are known to thrive in—the kitchen! How do you say “kitchen” in your language?
KUSÍNÂ • (koo-SEE-na’)
Tagálog (Filipino): kusínà
From Spanish cocina “kitchen”
Derived Words (via Spanish)
KUSINÉRA / KUSINÉRU • (koo-si-NEH-ruh/roo)
a cook, chef
Tagálog (Filipino): kusinéra/o
Etymology: Spanish cocinera/o “a cook”
KUSINÍLIA • (koo-si-NEE-lyuh)
gas or electric stove
Tagálog (Filipino): kusinilya
Etymology: Spanish cocinilla “small kitchen”
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