Happy World Teachers Day to all our teachers, educators, and mentors! How do you say “teacher” in your language?
MÉSTRA (fem.) [MES-truh]
MÉSTRU (masc.) [MES-troo] teacher
Tagálog (Filipino): gúrò
Etymology and Tagálog Comparison:
There are instances when Philippine languages use equivalent loanwords from different source languages. In this case, the word for “teacher” in Kapampángan comes from Spanish while the one in Tagálog ultimately comes from Sanskrit.
Tagálog gúrò (“teacher”) comes from Malay guru, from Sanskrit गुरु (gurú) (“guru, teacher, sage”).
Kapampángan méstru / méstra comes from Spanish maestro / maestra (“teacher, master”).
Example sentence:
Tiruánan dá kung masalésé ring méstrá ku. [Kap]
Tinurúan akó nang maáyos ng mgá gúrò ko. [Tag]
My teachers taught me well. [Eng]