
SÚYÛ • (SOO-yoo’)
service; (to) serve
Tagálog (Filipino): lingkód, silbí (as pagsisilbí)
Derived Word
service, serving
Tagálog (Filipino): paglilingkód, pagsisilbí
TALASÚYÛ • (tuh-luh-SOO-yoo’)
servant, attendant, minister
Tagálog (Filipino): tagapaglingkód
False Friends
SÚYÛ “serve”
(Tagálog (Filipino): lingkód, silbí)
Tagálog (Filipino):
SÚYÒ “woo, win one’s favor/affection”
(Now also used as a Tagalog loanword in Kapampángan, such as the verb makisúyû “to ask as a favor”)
Verb Conjugation
sumúyû, súsúyû, sínúyû – to serve (Actor Focus)
manyúyû, mányúyû, ményúyû – to serve (Actor Focus)
suyuan, susuyuan, siyuan/sinúyû – to serve someone or something (Object Focus)
Example Sentence
Burí kung sumúyú kékayu. [Kap]
Gustó kong maglingkód sa inyó. [Tag]
I would like to serve you (plural). [Eng]