
November is Rice Awareness Month in the Philippines and it was also National Fried Rice Day a few months ago! Here’s the Kapampángan word for “fried” or “fried rice”!
SINGLÉ • (sing-LEH)
fried; fried rice
Tagálog (Filipino): sinangág
Root Word
SANGLÉ • (suhng-LEH)
(to) fry/roast rice, corn, peanuts, cacao beans, etc.
Tagálog (Filipino): sangág, príto
Verb Conjugation
manyanglé, mányanglé, ményanglé – to fry/roast rice, corn, peanuts, cacao beans, etc. (Actor Focus)
isanglé, sasanglé, sinanglé – to fry/roast rice, corn, peanuts, cacao beans, etc. (Object Focus)
masanglé, masasanglé, mésanglé – to get fried or roasted (Stative / Actor Focus)
Example Sentence
Singlé ku né ing násî [Kap]
Sinangág/Priníto ko na yung kánin. [Tag]
I fried the rice already. [Eng]